App Ratings, Contests and Giveaways

There's no one "right way" to promote your product

Effective app marketing requires a variety of tools. There's no one "right way" to promote your product, and there are many factors that influence your users' satisfaction, engagement and retention rates. App ratings, contests and giveaways are three things that can affect the success of your product. Planning and managing them should be a consideration of any app marketing campaign.

At Wve Labs, we do the difficult work of marketing your app for you. Based in Los Angeles, but serving a global client base, we assist with everything from running a successful app contest to app rating optimization. Keep reading to learn more — or contact us today for assistance.

App Ratings

Ratings and reviews are some of the most effective organic marketing tools for apps. Not only do they reassure potential customers about the quality of your product, but they can also affect your ranking in app store search results. For these reasons, it's vital that you actively encourage and cultivate strong positive reviews.

Many businesses think they have no control over the content of their reviews and ratings. However, by encouraging users to rate you — and, of course, having a stellar product for them to rate — you can increase the number of positive reviews. Incentivizing users by allowing them to unlock new features once they submit a rating is one way. Follow-up marketing campaigns by email, text or push notification are another.

What's important is that the process is subtle and doesn't detract from the functionality of your app.

App Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are consistently effective methods of engaging app users. Some of the benefits of holding periodic contests and giveaways include:

Make your products desirable

They make your products seem more desirable. Even if you only give out a small number of freebies, a contest or giveaway will generate interest in your product and potentially drive more people to check it out.

User experience

They "gamify" the user experience. Everyone loves the possibility of reward — and a contest or giveaway creates a sense of anticipation that fosters a deeper connection with your brand.

Increase awareness

They increase awareness. Contests and giveaways turn your users into a community of active participants — particularly when social media is involved.

While a contest or giveaway is no substitute for a thorough marketing plan, it can be an easy way of invigorating your efforts, and a focal point for engaging users.

Your App Marketing Partner

Reduce headaches and hassles

When it comes to encouraging reviews or running contests, partnerships are essential. Working with an experienced app marketing company will reduce headaches and hassles, ensure there are no liability issues and increase the odds of running a well-received campaign.

Wve Labs provides rating optimization, contests and giveaways as part of our app marketing services. We'll work with you to develop a strategy that makes sense for your campaign — not just for the launch of your product, but for months and years afterward. To learn more about the benefits of rating optimization, or about how we can help you run a successful contest, get in touch today.

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