Targeted Ads for Apps

When you're marketing your app, you want to make sure any online advertising you purchase reaches the people most likely to benefit from it. This requires a keen understanding of demographics — for both your existing core users and the new segments of the market you're trying to reach. With that information, you can create targeted ads online and via social media.

Wve Labs provides targeted ads as part of our broader app marketing services. Targeted ads are part of almost any promotional strategy — no matter what industry you're in, targeting helps you make the most of your budget.

What Is Targeted Advertising?

Targeted advertising is simply the process of getting your ads to viewers who meet a clearly defined protocol. Thanks to the increasing presence of big data in our lives, options for this are more nuanced and specific than ever before. With targeted online advertising, you can segment the market by:

  • Demographics, including specific combinations of age, sex, race, location, income level and more
  • Values, interests, attitudes, lifestyle or other "psychographic" characteristics
  • Browser or purchase history, and other recent online activity

Benefits of Targeted Advertising

For businesses marketing a new app, targeted advertising helps you:

Develop more effective ads

When you target your ads to a specific audience, it's easier to create promotional materials that speak effectively to that segment of the market. This not only improves your chances of success, but also means you'll spend less time and money on the focus groups, workshops and other research that goes into building a campaign.

How Wve Labs Can Help

By restricting your ads to a targeted segment of the marketplace, you'll spend less initially and have a better chance of turning impressions into conversions. Together, these factors translate to more value for your advertising dollar.

Targeted advertising isn't just good for companies — it's good for users, too. Let's face it: Nobody likes to be inundated with ads for things they don't care about. When you connect users with products and services they actually want, everyone benefits.

Creating Targeted Ads for Apps

Targeted ad campaigns requires a careful balance

Creating effective targeted ad campaigns requires a careful balance. While you want to be as specific as possible, you also don't want to exclude potential customers. If not done with nuance and sophistication, it's easy for a targeted ad campaign to backfire.

To start with, you need accurate data about who your customers are. Then, you need to be sure your message is inclusive. It needs to speak to an audience on their level without being overly technical or alienating newer users. Finally, you must actively work to grow your audience throughout the campaign. Timing and strategic placement are critical.

Working With Wve Labs

An experienced app marketing service provider can make targeted advertising easy. Wve Labs works closely with you at all stages of a project — we can assist with app design and development, and leverage that insight into a smarter marketing strategy.

For more information about our app advertising services, or about some of the many ways we can target ads for mobile apps, contact us our head office today.

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